Actually, I'm kind of slipping into a bit of a depression. It's not so bad so far. No dark thoughts. Just a shitload of not wanting to do anything. I've barely knit a thing in the last few weeks. I still haven't done the finishing on the stealth knitting. *sigh* I know part of it is that TJ quit. This past weekend was his last. He'll be working 80 or 90 hours a week at his new job, so I'm not likely to see him again. Oh well, it wasn't a good thing for me anyway.
I got my February yarn from Story Publishing for their contest at WEBS.
I got a lovely skein of Swoon from Fiesta yarn. It's in the poppies colorway. Very yummy yarn. I can see why they call it Swoon.
I've already gotten the March package but I haven't taken pictures of it yet. It was a skein of Berroco Sox. I don't really knit socks so I'm not quite as enthused about that package. lol I'll see if I can motivate myself to take pictures tomorrow.
If the child has behaved himself at school today, we are going to go see Horton Hears a Who tonight. Cross your fingers cause I really want to get out of the house. lol