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I am so full of turkey and stuffing I just want to sleep!!
I've noticed quite a few visitors to the blog so I figured I better stop in and update. :)
Things have been fairly good with the kid and me. Finances are pretty tight and I haven't even begun to shop for Christmas. *sigh* Dad has given me the month of December free of charge so that should help.
Other family things have been a bit strained. Little sister Kelly (ok all of my sisters would be younger than me lol but Kelly is the youngest of all of us) ran her car into the back of a feed truck last Friday. She messed up her right side real good. 4 1/2 hours of surgery that night to put her elbow and arm back to rights and then more surgery Sunday to put her ankle to rights. She also broke several ribs and bruised her lung pretty good. She is home now with her folks and her mom is taking good care of her.
Sunday, little brother Nick (once again all my brothers are younger (yeah I'm the oldest) but he is the youngest of the boys) got word that one of his buddies was in a car accident. He unfortunately wasn't as lucky as our sister and didn't make it. Nick is quite upset because he has had a lot of people killed or hurt severely in car accidents. Present company included. But his is dealing and we have made tentative plans for him to come visit me next week. I WILL be taking pictures of my cute as a button niece. I got to talk to her on the phone last night and OMG the cuteness nearly did me in. He is gonna be lucky to get her back out the door. hehe
I'm knitting again a little bit. I've got 2 cowls going. My own patterns. I have no real clue what the yarn is I'm using on the one. Is a bulky weight boucle in baby pink. The other is in two shades of pink in some Caron yarns. I don't have em in front of me so I dunno for sure which but prolly Simply Soft. I'm also knitting a 2x2 rib scarf in Lion Brand Thick & Quick in black for the kid. It will match his new coat well. My hands haven't been cooperating for much knitting.
Ok, to share a little nummy with you. If you like hot guys and don't mind if they do too, lol, there is a blog here on blogger that might trip your trigger. I won't link to it but you should be able to search for it easily enough. It's called the daily slab. Be forward that there are many XXX pictures on there on a regular basis and I have yet to see a woman on there. Just saying. heh I would say the guys are dressed about half the time though.
Ok, now I need to get back to my story. It's called Chocolate Enchantment by Vivian B. and can be found on GrangerEnchanted.com. It's a little steamy but alas not as lemony as I like. hehe

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