I swear to Bob I had something to post earlier. It was really funny. But I lost it. heh I think the cold has ruined my brain. It's not supposed to get over 0 degrees again until after Friday. Yeahhh!!! 0_o
Little did I know that the kid had an in-service day today. I got up on time only to see that school was cancelled. Then the notification came that it was the in-service day that was cancelled due to the extreme cold. So not even the teachers could make it to school.
So let's see. Monday they got out 2 hours early due to snow. Tuesday they had a 2 hour delay due to the same snow. No school Wednesday due to a cancelled in-service day. Oh and tomorrow there is a 2 hour delay due to extreme cold. Final decision on if they have school will be announce at 6am. *grrr* The child is drivin me nuts with all this togetherness. He comes in here every 5 minutes or so and hugs me for no reason. He won't do anything with me, but he will come in and interrupt me. *sigh*
Today I've been playing over at
TekTek.org. I made a bunch of avatars to use over on Ravelry. I think I might upload one here for my avatar cause my hair so does not look like my picture any more. I colored it yesterday and it is actually sort of strawberry blonde even though I was aiming for dark ash blonde. lol All those years trying for red hair and I get it the one time I wasn't trying for it. hehe
I've also been scouring around on deviantArt. I've got lots of Harry Potter art and other stuff in my
favorites there. I tell ya, I love that place. You can find art of just about any subject you might find interesting. You do have to join in order to see the naughty stuff though. Otherwise it just shows the dA logo in it's place. I'm thinking about buying a subscription too. It will make browsing so much easier and it isn't all that horribly expensive.
Still no real knitting going on here. I have been playing with my grey thread and some size 4 needles. It may end up developing into a shawl but it will take forever and a damn day to knit it because when I say thread, I mean thread. It's easy, easy to break this stuff. I think it was meant for weaving. I got it real cheap off of ebay a long time ago.
Ok, I'm gonna go watch me some Alan in Quigley Down Under. mmmmm Alan!!!!