Ok, so my brother is a typical male. He only hears what he wants to hear.
He totally does not remember the conversation we had about getting a gift certificate for garden thins for the folks. He honestly thought we were only getting them a dinner out.
Ummmmm yeah....
He and his wife both have really good paying jobs. They own a house and multiple vehicles. They have no kids but 2 dogs.
I am a single mom with no help from my son's father. I do make an ok amount of money but not enough to buy a house. I own one vehicle that I'm still paying my folks for.
And I am supposed to be the one paying for my parents present from both of us???? Yeah, I don't think so.
I do believe he is going to go off and get them a gift certificate for either Lowes or Menards. At least he better. If he can go buy himself a 32 inch flat screen tv when they already have 3 tvs that work just fine and dandy, I think he can afford to spend some money on our folks. Especially when you think about the fact that I'm the one that had my tv die on me and I replaced it with an old console tv that my folks got out of the garbage. *sigh*
Brothers! can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em. Is it any wonder we spent a lot of time beating on them when we were young? Or is that just me...
Reading this makes me so glad my sister hasn't spoken to any of us in almost 4 years. Otherwise I'd be dealing with shit like this on a regular basis myself.
That stinks! I'm sorry :(
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