Well no word this week at all from the temp agency. I got about half the job searches done that I need for Promise Jobs. Got hired at a sub shop part time. The manager is a friend of my mom's. Mom has been telling me for the last couple months to apply there. I'm just a chickenshit and I'm not too hip to work with food. I mean come on, I'm trying to loose weight not gain it. :OP
I finally got my SP5 package mailed out. Hi Beth!! Yep it is officially in the mail finally. I'm sooooo sorry. I promise a surprise just as soon as I get working regularly. Cross your fingers that the warehouse calls me again. I hate to be a brat to Rose the sub shop manager but hell I'm not gonna pass up a full time job that is gonna pay about $10 an hour.
Now back to the whole SP5 thing. I got the final package from my partner last week. Yeah I know, I've been off work all week and had plenty of time to post about it. I'm lazy. Deal with it. hehehe Actually, I'm very absent minded. I get busy doing something and forget about stuff super easy. I'll remind myself to do something on the pc but I'll sit down and something will come up and poof. Bye Bye Brain. To probe how big of a bonehead I am, I'm sitting here trying to find the damn card she sent with her info in it. hehe
Ahhhh found it. My secret pal was Amanda from TwoChicksKnit and Knitsnpieces. I've visited her site a few times in the past. She sent me some yummy yarn. But the cutest part was the car and stickers for the kid. :O) He was just tickled to pieces to get something. He loves getting mail. She sent me 3 skeins of Andean Silk from Knit Picks in Bluebell. Talk about some soft yarn. I think I'll make myself a scarf with it. Not sure which pattern I'll use though. She sent some Cascade 220 in hot pink color #7805. I'm going to have to make a felted mini purse to carry. hehe She also sent some cocoanut lotion that smells divine and a Frodo bookmark. It is way too cool. It has a ring on the tassel and a cool pic of Frodo on it. Gee, I wonder how she knew he is my favorite character in LOTR? lol
Ok, now off to tackle my mounds and mounds of e-mail. I've been staying off-line as much as possible just on the off chance that someone would call with a job. If only I had been sitting here on my fat butt reading when the warehouse called the other day. I would have the job already. sniff sniff I was actually doing dishes and didn't get to the phone fast enough and she was already on the phone with someone else when I called her back.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Silly Quiz

You are Merino Wool.
You are very easygoing and sweet. People like to
keep you close because you are so softhearted.
You love to be comfortable and warm from your
head to your toes.
What kind of yarn are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, September 26, 2005
I don't really want to know why someone did a search for 'Becky gets fucked'. I'm not even sure I really want to know why that someone chose to click on my blog twice. What I want to know is how the hell I ended up on page 2 of the search results. Ummmmm do I swear that damn bad or often???? I didn't make the list because there is any sex going on in this house. That is for damn sure. Maybe I should do a search on how Becky can get ....... hehehehehehehehe Ok, if I was that damn desperate for it, I could find it without all that much difficulty. I've gotten picky though. Gone are the days when I was ok with just picking up a guy and messin around. sigh Havin a kid sure messes up the ole sex life.
I was hoping to post an update shot of the mystery shawl. Not gonna happen. Ya see, I have to tink back like 5 rows. wwwhhhhaaaaaaaaaa I dropped 2 dang stitches and while I was able to pick the one up, I can't get the other one the right way. I was one repeat of the pattern away from finishing clue 4 of 6. Talk about megasuckdom. I feel like making up words and spellings so bit me. oooo Do it again. hehehehe
I forget if I posted that I ordered 10 skeins of a sage green hemp/wool yarn through the yarn coop I joined. I'm thinking I may order a few skeins of the blue to make a sweater for the kid too. We need to have a certain number of skeins ordered to get the best price and the main order won't be sent until we have the minimum met. So, I haven't actually paid for it yet. Does that count as buying yarn?? lol I just ordered and paid for a ball winder from the same coop. $26 bucks didn't seem like too bad of a price. Not sure how much the shipping is going to come to. Sure wish I could order a swift too. I think the small one is only like $40. I just can't bring myself to spend the money right now. Holy crap!! When did I get all responsible? hehe
Ok, time to go pretend to be comatose for a bit. Hmm maybe I should go check my powerball numbers. Who knows, maybe I'm rich now. Yeah whatever. :OP
I was hoping to post an update shot of the mystery shawl. Not gonna happen. Ya see, I have to tink back like 5 rows. wwwhhhhaaaaaaaaaa I dropped 2 dang stitches and while I was able to pick the one up, I can't get the other one the right way. I was one repeat of the pattern away from finishing clue 4 of 6. Talk about megasuckdom. I feel like making up words and spellings so bit me. oooo Do it again. hehehehe
I forget if I posted that I ordered 10 skeins of a sage green hemp/wool yarn through the yarn coop I joined. I'm thinking I may order a few skeins of the blue to make a sweater for the kid too. We need to have a certain number of skeins ordered to get the best price and the main order won't be sent until we have the minimum met. So, I haven't actually paid for it yet. Does that count as buying yarn?? lol I just ordered and paid for a ball winder from the same coop. $26 bucks didn't seem like too bad of a price. Not sure how much the shipping is going to come to. Sure wish I could order a swift too. I think the small one is only like $40. I just can't bring myself to spend the money right now. Holy crap!! When did I get all responsible? hehe
Ok, time to go pretend to be comatose for a bit. Hmm maybe I should go check my powerball numbers. Who knows, maybe I'm rich now. Yeah whatever. :OP
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I am sooooooo tired
As if I wasn't already super tired for no freakin reason, now I'm tired as hell from being on my feet all dang day. The first day I worked it was for a department store's distribution center. I figure I'll end up back there as soon as the job I'm doing is done. I'm indirectly working for a major fast food chain. No, I'm not flipping burgers. I sooooooo do not want to go back there again. hehe Suffice it to say that I am working for a place that is providing something that the fast food joint needs. It should only be lasting for another week though. I'm waiting on a job doing quality control for a catalog distributor warehouse. The job pays $10 an hour. It is a temp job, but then again, all the jobs there are temp jobs. You could work there a week or 10 years. It all depends on if you can keep up the pace and how good of a job you do. For $10 an hour, I'll give it my best shot. hehe
Can you tell that I read Dooce.com?? hehehe Lots of words but not a lot of information in that paragraph. I don't want to screw myself out of a job. My rent is determined by my earnings, so as long as I make enough to pay my utilities and stuff, I'm cool. I would love to work here in town though. I don't want to drive to the next town over even though there are a shitload more jobs there. sigh
On the knitting front, I've been working on my shawl as much as I can. I even work on it during breaks at work. I don't always take lunch with me, so I have extra time. I'm about halfway through the 3rd chart of 5. Do I have progress pictures?? No Jon, I don't. :OP One of these days I'll snag Mom's camera and take a picture of my progress.
I've got more I could say, but I'm tired as hell and my hands are getting damn sore from typing. I'll try to update more often. Oh btw. I've got a few more leaflets up on eBay. I sold 10 out of the first bunch. I've got a stack of leaflets waiting to be scanned and listed. Maybe this weekend.
Later y'all
Can you tell that I read Dooce.com?? hehehe Lots of words but not a lot of information in that paragraph. I don't want to screw myself out of a job. My rent is determined by my earnings, so as long as I make enough to pay my utilities and stuff, I'm cool. I would love to work here in town though. I don't want to drive to the next town over even though there are a shitload more jobs there. sigh
On the knitting front, I've been working on my shawl as much as I can. I even work on it during breaks at work. I don't always take lunch with me, so I have extra time. I'm about halfway through the 3rd chart of 5. Do I have progress pictures?? No Jon, I don't. :OP One of these days I'll snag Mom's camera and take a picture of my progress.
I've got more I could say, but I'm tired as hell and my hands are getting damn sore from typing. I'll try to update more often. Oh btw. I've got a few more leaflets up on eBay. I sold 10 out of the first bunch. I've got a stack of leaflets waiting to be scanned and listed. Maybe this weekend.
Later y'all
Friday, September 09, 2005
I'm sure I'll be even more quiet than usual for a bit. I went back to work on Tuesday for the first time in 4 years. I've been battling excessive fatigue for the last year but omg I've been so freakin tired the last few days. I'm sore as hell too. I've worked in two different facilities and had to stand the whole time each day. Today I tripped coming back from first break, twisted my ankle and fell down on the stair landing. Of course it was the ankle that I sprained this spring. ooowwwwwwwyyyyyyy It wasn't as bad as when I sprained it but oh does it still hurt. I can't find the other cushion for my splint, so my ankle isn't wrapped or anything. I could have worked this weekend but I think I need the time to recuperate from the fall and just from working. LOL
I've been too tired to crochet or knit much. I did work on the pineapple doily I'm working on for Mom. I had to immediately rip out a round but I've gotten back that round and another one, so I'm ahead. I had an interview right after work yesterday. I know someone that works at the facility and she told my dad I would get hired right away. Yeah, right. They are keeping me in mind for a QC job. It could be a week or a month before I hear anything though. sob I so want this job. It would mean being able to have an actual savings account for the first time in so darn long.
Ok enough whining. I have tons of mail to go through. Cross your fingers for me.
I've been too tired to crochet or knit much. I did work on the pineapple doily I'm working on for Mom. I had to immediately rip out a round but I've gotten back that round and another one, so I'm ahead. I had an interview right after work yesterday. I know someone that works at the facility and she told my dad I would get hired right away. Yeah, right. They are keeping me in mind for a QC job. It could be a week or a month before I hear anything though. sob I so want this job. It would mean being able to have an actual savings account for the first time in so darn long.
Ok enough whining. I have tons of mail to go through. Cross your fingers for me.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Just for Jon
Yes Jon, I'm finally giving in. Here is a pic of the mystery shawl I've been working on.

I joined a Yahoo group called appropriately MysteryShawlAlong. Most of the members have moved on to the second shawl in another group, but I thought I should start out with the first one. The shawl is a bit more open than it looks in the pic cause well I smushed it on the scanner since my camera is a pos. I'm using Alpaca Ware Superfine Alpaca Yarn in petroleum blue. It is a fingering yarn and very soft. I'm working the shawl on size 8s cause I want it to be nice and open. In the pic you can see the stitch markers that I made up. I'm thinking I might try using monofiliment to string the beads next time. Maybe I made the markers too long but they sometimes get in the way. Then again I'm used to just using a jumpring. lol
Ok, got lots of stuff to do. I have to have my happy ass in bed early tonight. I have to be to work at 6:45am. bleck Don't forget to check on eBay. I've got like 26 crochet and cross stitch books up under the name froddo123. Someone buy my junk!!!! lol Actually most are nice patterns.

I joined a Yahoo group called appropriately MysteryShawlAlong. Most of the members have moved on to the second shawl in another group, but I thought I should start out with the first one. The shawl is a bit more open than it looks in the pic cause well I smushed it on the scanner since my camera is a pos. I'm using Alpaca Ware Superfine Alpaca Yarn in petroleum blue. It is a fingering yarn and very soft. I'm working the shawl on size 8s cause I want it to be nice and open. In the pic you can see the stitch markers that I made up. I'm thinking I might try using monofiliment to string the beads next time. Maybe I made the markers too long but they sometimes get in the way. Then again I'm used to just using a jumpring. lol
Ok, got lots of stuff to do. I have to have my happy ass in bed early tonight. I have to be to work at 6:45am. bleck Don't forget to check on eBay. I've got like 26 crochet and cross stitch books up under the name froddo123. Someone buy my junk!!!! lol Actually most are nice patterns.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Quick Note
Just a quick note to let y'all know I've started listing my books on eBay. My Auctions If the link doesn't work, search for froddo123. There are only 7 up so far, but I'm just totally wiped out right now. After a little nap, I'll be listing a bunch of crochet and cross stitch magazines and leaflets. The stuff I have up so far are retro and vintage crafts books. I got most of these from my great grandmother but well they aren't my taste and I kept the ones that meant the most to me. I'll also be listing lots of crochet thread but probably not until tomorrow. I've still got a big pile of pattern books and mags to scan covers so I can list them.
Oh and btw, some good news. I applied with a temp service and I'll be starting work on Tuesday and a department store distribution warehouse. The pay isn't too bad and they are flexible on hours. The temp service also said that once there is an opening they will move me to a company that is here in town and makes a little bit more money. I'll save tons of money on gas too. When I head to my folk's house tomorrow I'm going to check and see how far it is from my house. I may be able to walk it without too much trouble. This would real cool. If I can't deal with the number of hours, there is a pizza place here in town that really needs people for days. I'm not sure how much they make but I know it won't be near as much as I'll be getting at the temp jobs. Cross your fingers that I'll be able to stay awake enough to keep working as many hours as possible.
Ok, nap time. The kid has a cold and I have a feeling he is gonna keep me awake tonight.
Oh and btw, some good news. I applied with a temp service and I'll be starting work on Tuesday and a department store distribution warehouse. The pay isn't too bad and they are flexible on hours. The temp service also said that once there is an opening they will move me to a company that is here in town and makes a little bit more money. I'll save tons of money on gas too. When I head to my folk's house tomorrow I'm going to check and see how far it is from my house. I may be able to walk it without too much trouble. This would real cool. If I can't deal with the number of hours, there is a pizza place here in town that really needs people for days. I'm not sure how much they make but I know it won't be near as much as I'll be getting at the temp jobs. Cross your fingers that I'll be able to stay awake enough to keep working as many hours as possible.
Ok, nap time. The kid has a cold and I have a feeling he is gonna keep me awake tonight.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
I am very very glad that I do not have any alcohol in the house tonight. I just watched the NBC nightly news. I have to admit that I bawled through a good portion of it. I swear if I had any money to donate I would send it. Hell if I was actually rich, I would rent a couple passenger vans, fill them with food and water and clothes and drive down there. I would distribute the stuff and fill the vans back up with people and drive them north. I would keep it up until I was out of money. If you have any extra money that you can spare, please please donate it to the Red Cross or something. Make sure you are donating to one of the big charity organizations. There are already reports that the scum is already out and sending out e-mails soliciting donations to fake charities. I pray for their souls, withered and dead as they may be.
Tomorrow night there is going to be a benefit concert on NBC. Please donate if you are able. PokerStars.com is hosting some charity tournaments in the coming weeks. Some of the tournaments have low buy in amounts. They are going to be matching dollar for dollar the amount that is raised. With donations and their matching funds, they were able to send $400,000 to the tsunami relief efforts. I pray that they have as good of a turn out this go round.
My own troubles, as overwhelming as they feel right now, pale in comparison to the heartache I’ve witnessed on the news. I would so love to just be able to scoop them right out of there and bring them to safety. If you are in the area and can take someone in, please do so. Yes I know it is scary to take in strangers, but sometimes you have to.
I may be scarce for a bit. I’m having my own financial troubles right now. My parents are going to see how much they can spare to pay on my light bill so that they don’t get shut off. One thing that is scary about living in county housing is that if your utilities ever get shut off for any reason, they evict you. I’ve been here 5 years. I so do not want to move and if I had to right now, I would end up living in my parents basement. Not a good thing on so many levels. Short visits with my dad are all that I can handle. I envy anyone that has a good relationship with both of their parents.
I’ll be applying again for assistance tomorrow and applying for a job at Subway and at a local pizza place that both just opened up. I suppose I could apply at the fast food place across the street, but I have a feeling that I would become very hostile very quickly. There is one teenage guy that works there that just makes me nuts. He looks like he weighs all of about 110 pounds. We are talking skin and bones here. He wears his uniform super super baggy. I swear he belts his damn pants BELOW his ass. I have no idea how they stay up. He has no butt to begin with but I know if here were to sit down without pulling up his pants he would be sitting on his belt. The few times that I’ve gone over there and seen him I have had to restrain myself from going over to him and yanking the damn things down on him. Oh and btw, I’m talking about a skinny white kid living in Iowa for God’s sake. We do not live in a big urban city. I doubt we even have 1000 people in town. WTF?????
On the knitting front, I did cast on for the mystery shawl. I so really need to post the link to the Yahoo group, not that there is a picture that you can go see. LOL I had to rip the whole thing out once. I dropped a bunch of stitches when I was trying to tink back a row because I was way off of where I should have been in the pattern. Thankfully, I was only on row 15. Yeah, I managed to screw it up pretty damn early. None of the crappy stitch markers that I had were comfortable to use on this project. What I’ve been using are the Lion Brand split plastic marker, some small plastic rings or some very tiny jump rings. The first ones were too big and the other two were too small to fit on size 8 needles. So in an effort to distract myself I made some stitch markers. I swear I bought the dang beads and such about 2 months ago and left them in the bag. It took me a couple tries to get something that looked presentable. I started out using straight pins and I could not make a darn loop for the ring to save my life. So I switched over to using the pins that have the little loop on the end. For the rings, what I’m using are toggle clasps for necklaces. Don’t ask me what I’m going to do with all the left over toggle pieces. hehe The rings are big enough to fit on size 13s I’m betting. I don’t use larger needles much though. I’ll try and take some pictures of the markers and my shawl soon.
In other news, I’m going to be listing a bunch of cross stitch and crochet pattern leaflets on Ebay. I haven’t actually done any cross stitch in over 6 years now. I think it’s time to let go of the pattern books. lol My eyesight is not good enough to do cross stitch anymore. I’m cross eyed and trying to count the squares on the fabric and on the pattern is near impossible. When I was at my last job I had one hell of a time reading part numbers on labels and even on the computer. I would literally have to move my finger on the number and count the 1s and 0s in a part number because I saw them doubled. I’ve got some doubles of crochet leaflets. I’ve got at least one of the Precious Moments doll leaflets to list. There are baby afghan leaflets and one or two adult afghan leaflets I think. I may list some crochet thread also. I’ve got a huge bag of thread that I’ve won off of eBay and I have barely used any in the last few months. My hands become quite sore after doing thread crochet for any length of time. I’ll let you know when they are up. My eBay ID is froddo123 btw.
Ok time to do some mail and try to distract myself.
Tomorrow night there is going to be a benefit concert on NBC. Please donate if you are able. PokerStars.com is hosting some charity tournaments in the coming weeks. Some of the tournaments have low buy in amounts. They are going to be matching dollar for dollar the amount that is raised. With donations and their matching funds, they were able to send $400,000 to the tsunami relief efforts. I pray that they have as good of a turn out this go round.
My own troubles, as overwhelming as they feel right now, pale in comparison to the heartache I’ve witnessed on the news. I would so love to just be able to scoop them right out of there and bring them to safety. If you are in the area and can take someone in, please do so. Yes I know it is scary to take in strangers, but sometimes you have to.
I may be scarce for a bit. I’m having my own financial troubles right now. My parents are going to see how much they can spare to pay on my light bill so that they don’t get shut off. One thing that is scary about living in county housing is that if your utilities ever get shut off for any reason, they evict you. I’ve been here 5 years. I so do not want to move and if I had to right now, I would end up living in my parents basement. Not a good thing on so many levels. Short visits with my dad are all that I can handle. I envy anyone that has a good relationship with both of their parents.
I’ll be applying again for assistance tomorrow and applying for a job at Subway and at a local pizza place that both just opened up. I suppose I could apply at the fast food place across the street, but I have a feeling that I would become very hostile very quickly. There is one teenage guy that works there that just makes me nuts. He looks like he weighs all of about 110 pounds. We are talking skin and bones here. He wears his uniform super super baggy. I swear he belts his damn pants BELOW his ass. I have no idea how they stay up. He has no butt to begin with but I know if here were to sit down without pulling up his pants he would be sitting on his belt. The few times that I’ve gone over there and seen him I have had to restrain myself from going over to him and yanking the damn things down on him. Oh and btw, I’m talking about a skinny white kid living in Iowa for God’s sake. We do not live in a big urban city. I doubt we even have 1000 people in town. WTF?????
On the knitting front, I did cast on for the mystery shawl. I so really need to post the link to the Yahoo group, not that there is a picture that you can go see. LOL I had to rip the whole thing out once. I dropped a bunch of stitches when I was trying to tink back a row because I was way off of where I should have been in the pattern. Thankfully, I was only on row 15. Yeah, I managed to screw it up pretty damn early. None of the crappy stitch markers that I had were comfortable to use on this project. What I’ve been using are the Lion Brand split plastic marker, some small plastic rings or some very tiny jump rings. The first ones were too big and the other two were too small to fit on size 8 needles. So in an effort to distract myself I made some stitch markers. I swear I bought the dang beads and such about 2 months ago and left them in the bag. It took me a couple tries to get something that looked presentable. I started out using straight pins and I could not make a darn loop for the ring to save my life. So I switched over to using the pins that have the little loop on the end. For the rings, what I’m using are toggle clasps for necklaces. Don’t ask me what I’m going to do with all the left over toggle pieces. hehe The rings are big enough to fit on size 13s I’m betting. I don’t use larger needles much though. I’ll try and take some pictures of the markers and my shawl soon.
In other news, I’m going to be listing a bunch of cross stitch and crochet pattern leaflets on Ebay. I haven’t actually done any cross stitch in over 6 years now. I think it’s time to let go of the pattern books. lol My eyesight is not good enough to do cross stitch anymore. I’m cross eyed and trying to count the squares on the fabric and on the pattern is near impossible. When I was at my last job I had one hell of a time reading part numbers on labels and even on the computer. I would literally have to move my finger on the number and count the 1s and 0s in a part number because I saw them doubled. I’ve got some doubles of crochet leaflets. I’ve got at least one of the Precious Moments doll leaflets to list. There are baby afghan leaflets and one or two adult afghan leaflets I think. I may list some crochet thread also. I’ve got a huge bag of thread that I’ve won off of eBay and I have barely used any in the last few months. My hands become quite sore after doing thread crochet for any length of time. I’ll let you know when they are up. My eBay ID is froddo123 btw.
Ok time to do some mail and try to distract myself.
Damn I'm good
I actually finished another project last night. I finished the Branching Out scarf from Knitty.com. I'm thinking I may do it again in something other than boucle yarn thank you very much. I haven't blocked it yet and I'm hoping that the pattern will become more pronounced. I really only started the scarf as a way to fuck around with a 'lace' pattern. I've only ever fiddled with small samples of stitch patterns. This was the first actual project I'd attempted.
I did have ulterior motives for finishing the scarf. Ya see, I needed the needles it was on to start the shawl. lol Yeah ok, I have like 8 sets of size 8 circular needles but I would have to clean in order to find them. Clean and I do NOT get along. I feel anxious if the house is too clean. My folk's house always looks like something out of a magazine spread. It rarely looks like someone actually lives there. I mean come on people who the hell has everything neat and tidy one freakin week after moving???? My folks are wacked in the damn head. So, since I don't do drugs or even really drink, I rebel by being messy. I mean come on it isn't cause I'm lazy. Nahhhh not me. :OP
Ok, I'm not really lazy, I'm a procrastinator with a bad memory. I forget stuff if I'm not looking right at the info and even then I can forget it. Seriously, I can be thinking about something I have to do for like an hour before I'm going to do it. I get up to do it and something catches my eye. And off I go to just move this out of the way first or put something in the other room. The next thing I know I'm halfway to town or it's 2 hours later and I remember what it was I went off to do in the first damn place. This is just fucked cause I'm only 33 y'all. Ok I did suffer a brain injury at 21. Convertible = not good to flip. Nasty things ensue when you land on the back of your head after being flung out of a car. I just know I'm going to end up with Alzhimers. No for once, I'm not being a smart ass. I know I'm going to end up like my great grandmother. The woman was nuttier than a damn fruitcake by the time she died. She was a hoot when my aunts and uncles got her drunk though.
I'm working on designing patterns for preemie booties and top knot hats. Once I get the kinks worked out and a couple sizes written up I'll post the patterns to my crochet site. I think I'll work the booties up in crochet too. I don't know if the stem for the top knot would be flexible enough in crochet, so I may not do a crocheted version of the hat. We shall see. I've got a couple of crocheted mini tote bags that I want to write the pattern up for too. I might actually have the one pattern started to be written up in my old pattern notebook, but in order to find out, we would have to deal with the cleaning thing. I have no earthly clue where the notebook is at right now. hehe I'm a notebook hoarder. I buy tons of notebooks during the back to school sales. My son loves to get ahold of them and fill them up with drawings. Believe me it was a trip showing up to class and open my notebook to find page after page of the kid's drawings. hehe
OK, I'm off to do a bit more mail before I pass out and take a nap. I've got to get into town and get groceries before the kid gets home. I've also got to get to the gas station and fill the truck up before they raise the price again. I so love the first of the month. I don't think there will be yarn money this month though. :O(
I did have ulterior motives for finishing the scarf. Ya see, I needed the needles it was on to start the shawl. lol Yeah ok, I have like 8 sets of size 8 circular needles but I would have to clean in order to find them. Clean and I do NOT get along. I feel anxious if the house is too clean. My folk's house always looks like something out of a magazine spread. It rarely looks like someone actually lives there. I mean come on people who the hell has everything neat and tidy one freakin week after moving???? My folks are wacked in the damn head. So, since I don't do drugs or even really drink, I rebel by being messy. I mean come on it isn't cause I'm lazy. Nahhhh not me. :OP
Ok, I'm not really lazy, I'm a procrastinator with a bad memory. I forget stuff if I'm not looking right at the info and even then I can forget it. Seriously, I can be thinking about something I have to do for like an hour before I'm going to do it. I get up to do it and something catches my eye. And off I go to just move this out of the way first or put something in the other room. The next thing I know I'm halfway to town or it's 2 hours later and I remember what it was I went off to do in the first damn place. This is just fucked cause I'm only 33 y'all. Ok I did suffer a brain injury at 21. Convertible = not good to flip. Nasty things ensue when you land on the back of your head after being flung out of a car. I just know I'm going to end up with Alzhimers. No for once, I'm not being a smart ass. I know I'm going to end up like my great grandmother. The woman was nuttier than a damn fruitcake by the time she died. She was a hoot when my aunts and uncles got her drunk though.
I'm working on designing patterns for preemie booties and top knot hats. Once I get the kinks worked out and a couple sizes written up I'll post the patterns to my crochet site. I think I'll work the booties up in crochet too. I don't know if the stem for the top knot would be flexible enough in crochet, so I may not do a crocheted version of the hat. We shall see. I've got a couple of crocheted mini tote bags that I want to write the pattern up for too. I might actually have the one pattern started to be written up in my old pattern notebook, but in order to find out, we would have to deal with the cleaning thing. I have no earthly clue where the notebook is at right now. hehe I'm a notebook hoarder. I buy tons of notebooks during the back to school sales. My son loves to get ahold of them and fill them up with drawings. Believe me it was a trip showing up to class and open my notebook to find page after page of the kid's drawings. hehe
OK, I'm off to do a bit more mail before I pass out and take a nap. I've got to get into town and get groceries before the kid gets home. I've also got to get to the gas station and fill the truck up before they raise the price again. I so love the first of the month. I don't think there will be yarn money this month though. :O(
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