(don't get used to it :OP)

So there is the blocked shawl. Did I finish cleaning first? Hell no!!
Blocking this baby was a pain in the ass. I still think the left side looks bigger than the right. Tough shit. When I got to the far side man was it weird. There was a huge curve and I had to tug like hell in order to get the edges straight. I may venture to ask Mom to borrow her "crappy" camera which is 100 times better than my pos camera. Maybe then it will actually look like the right color. The shawl is actually a dark teal green. AlpacaWare calls it Petrolium Blue though. Ok so looking at the skein I have left it is more blue than green, but it still has a green tint to it. I used about 4 skeins of fingering weight superfine alpaca that weigh in at 50 grams each.
I've got 5 skeins of a dark heather grey in the same yarn somewhere in my stash. I have no damn clue where I hid it. hehe Eventually, I'll get some jewel tone alpaca and make myself a twin set maybe something in fair isle. hmmmm Damn I like that idea. hehe
Time to go feed my face. I forgot to eat dinner. The kid didn't want anything until about 5 mins ago. He was supposed to be asleep 45 mins ago. groan
That looks beautiful!
Oh. Oh my. Oh my goodness. Exquisite. Breathtaking. I can only hope and pray that my shawl turns out half as beautiful as this.
I covet your knitting talent.
Wow! wonderful work! Excellent knitting you did there.
The shawl is gorgeous. I was just wondering, where did you get your yarn? I have some AlpacaWare superfine boucle (sp?) yarn and I need to get another color other than the purple I have now. I'd love the help, if you can! Thanks so much.
Please email me at leighrub22@hotmail.com
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