I didn't work today. Nobody seems to want me. sniff sniff
That's ok. I'm one tired ass chicky.
Call me old, but getting up at 2 and 3 in the morning to go to work just kills me.
Right now I'm super tired cause I'm stuffed. I made tuna and noodles for supper tonight. It's been ages since I've made it. I added some cheese to try and entice Nick into eating it. No such luck. The cheese made it so heavy and I feel like I'm going to explode.
My brain hasn't been working too well lately thanks to the lack of sleep.
Someone wrote to me at my MSN e-mail asking about SchussPlus DK wool. Frankly, I thought it was a spam mail or that it was sent to the wrong person. I didn't think my MSN addy was mentioned on here at all. I couldn't even remember having any SchussPlus DK wool.
I checked out my stats and found the page that the person found the SchussPlus on. Turns out it was something I got off of eBay. To answer the person's questions: Yes, the yarn is next to skin soft. Looking at the yarn, it look heavier than dk weight. Then again, I've gotten used to using laceweight and thread lately. hehehe
Someday I'll get around to making a sweater out of the yarn. Maybe I'll swatch for one of the Delta Burke patterns I've got. Lord knows I want to make them all.
Go check out trek casts on. She just posted some cute toddler socks. I so wish I had a little one to make them for.
Also take a look at the new free patterns on The Daily Knitter. Lots of neat goodies on there.
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