Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna
I finally made it to the new Borders that replaced the Walden Books in the mall. They have a good assortment of knitting magazines there. No that wasn't the first thing I went and looked at. LOL First I checked out the kids section. My son is just learning how to read. Then I went and checked out the knitting mags. I picked up a copy of the spring Knitter's. There are some patterns in there that I might actually be able to make without altering. hehe There are a couple that I like that I'll have to make bigger though. Some are a tad bit weird looking like Chipotle Waves. I do think with a lil tweaking that it could look ok though. I would do the sleeves in solid knit though. The main waves I would just do in shades of green and not the wacko ones.
Jon, the reason that I don't have any wool is cause the nearest store that sells wool is about 1 1/2 hours from my place. The only craft stores in town are Michael's and Hobby Lobby. Closest thing to wool I can get my hands on is Wool-Ease. I'm not real fond of the stuff. The yarn sections keep getting smaller too. I know there have to be people around here that knit and crochet but I dunno where the heck they are. If I do find a few, Borders has a cafe in the store. I
1 comment:
I just got ten balls of Peruvian Highland Wool in Burnt Orange off ebay for $15 with free shipping. That's even less than elan's price, I think, of $2.25/ball.
I LOVE ebay.
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