Yes I know it is after 1am, so it is technically Thursday. Y gotta understand. When I take pictures, there is more to it than just snapping a picture. My camera doesn't aline very well. I have to take like 5 pictures of each thing so that hopefully one will be centered. hehe Then I have to edit the pictures in PSP. I've got to adjust the levels and the hue. Plus I took a pic of myself and that entailed a half hour or so of messing around to see if I could figure out how to edit out my double chin. I didn't do half bad of a job at it. No you don't get to see it. :OP I have my hair back and look like a blob.
Anyways, here are the pictures I promised.

Isn't it cute?

I just love it so much.

Yup, I couldn't help myself. I had to add some pony beads I bought for scrunchies.
Here is a picture of the sheep fabric I snagged.

I think it is going to make a cute bag. I still want some jammies though. hehehe
Hope they suffice. Someday I'll hook up the webcams I've got and see if they take a better picture. Now I'm off to create the spreadsheet that I promised to have done yesterday. hehehe
You got some great stuff! Lucky you!
Hmmm, wonder where she obtained the mini sharpie, I want one!
The flannel sheep are extremely cute. That material holds up well after numerous washing! I had made my daughter some P.J.'s and was leary of the quality. She outgrew them before they showed any signs of decay.
I have some good tricks for photoshop and the double chin. First, avoid highlighting it by using outdoor light and no flash when possible.
When you have a good flash photo, zoom way in on the chin area. Use the eye dropper to pick up a color from the shadow lines. Use the pencil to draw some random lines with that shadow color over the brightest double chin area. Then eyedropper up a different shadow color and do some more random scribbling. Take the smudger finger and smear these pixels around, spreading shadow over the bright bulging flesh. Done carefully, it is very hard to tell without zooming it what has been done.
This photo shows my efforts. I also whitened my teeth.
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