Mr. Nicholas is not so good with his scooter just yet. He came in screaming last night that he didn't want to die. I tried to calm him down and let him know that he would have to bleed much more than that in order to die. Then he cried out that he wanted to live to see the future. I just about died laughing. hehe We have now agreed that he is going to wear his elbow pads and helmet when he rides his scooter.
And now the lace.
This is the beginning of mystery stole 3. I'm done with row 56 of 99 for clue 1. I'm just too dang tired and my head hurts too much to keep working at it.
The yarn I'm using is from Yarn Treehouse. I'm thinking the name of the yarn is Bloom and the color is CO3. It is a color changing lace weight wool. The colors change from blue to brown with gray and a little bit of orange/rust mixed in.
I'm using some metallic bronze beads I got from Wal-Mart of all places. I'm going to save the expensive root beer glass beads for a second incarnation of the mystery stole using black alpaca fingering weight that I've had around for ages. I won't get to that one for some time yet though.
I did work on mystery shawl 3 today. I finished row 163 of 172. I got a horrible horrible headache and had to put the knitting down. I was literally sick to my stomach and had to come home from Mom's. Nick was not happy about that. He was in a much better mood later once he started watching a tape my dad got at a garage sale today. My son was laughing and falling over watching classic cartoons from when my folk's were kids. Thought they were the best thing he had ever seen. If only it were so easy to entertain everyone. It would be nice to go back and away from the brain drain cartoons of today.
I'm gonna go have a drink now and see if this damn headache will go away again. Not sure what it is from. sigh
Becky, I love it! The colors look much more subtle than I pictured from your post to the Yahoo group; and the beads look great with it! I think it's going to be awesome! Looks like you're a KnitPicks needle person, eh?
You got much further yesterday with your headache than I got yesterday with my headache. Maybe it was a Friday Full Moon weather change thing (I live just a little north of you, SW Wisconsin). Love the coolness, though.
Ok that is so cute! I want him to live to see the future too :) Kids say the funniest things.
Hope you feel better.
Your shawl is looking great! I'm only up to row 50something myself as i've had a busy few days.
Headaches are a bitch !
It's lovely, Becky! THe color you chose is subtle and complex (sounds like wine!) I'm a bit jealous - haven't knit a stitch yet because I'm still waiting for beads.
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