I finally finished Dad's first hat. I think I made the pic a lil too bright, but the colors are pretty accurate. I think if I do this pattern again, I'll end up using size 4s for the ribbing. The stitches just seem a bit too loose.
I got the 3 cones of cotton today. I would say that it is just a bit smaller than size 10 crochet thread. I'm going to do some swatches using 2 and 3 strands and wash them to see how they look. I'm thinking that I'll make a summer twin set with it. The color in the pic is pretty close to the real thing.

Nice hat :) I love the color of the thread.
Hi ya Bec!
Wow, the hat looks great...and the thread color is beautiful!! One of these days I'm going to have to get you to make me something!! Excellent job on your knitting Becky....as always!! :o)
Ok i stopped by... now stop bugging me...
Seriously tho, the hat looks great..Awesome work my friend!!!!!!
Man, how do you make such a perfect hat? Mine always have a funky thing happening here and there...
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